Saturday 16 January 2010

Schama's America: one year on

Simon Schama has filmed a couple of documentaries for the 'Obama: how's the kid doin' series on BBC Two. One on war, comparing Afghanistan to Korea; and the other on financial meltdown, contrasting J P Morgan's 1907 bailout of Wall Street and William Jennings Bryant's advocacy of the Federal Reserve with the Obama injection of Uncle Sam's cash into the recent banking fiasco.

Is it possible that today's Simon Schama, arguing that Obama needs to enjoy being hated by the bankers (like Franklin D Roosevelt) and that he needs a 'shoe up his ass' to keep him focused, is the same Schama waxing so lyrical about the prospects of the Obama presidency on election night in November 2008?

Actually, yes. Schama is, I'm guessing, a Democrat-supporter, and simply wants his man to be the best he can be.

And a week is a long time in politics. Suddenly, with his response to the Haiti earthquake catastrophe, Obama looks serenely presidential, with the master stroke of setting up a private disaster fund to be run by former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush.

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